SEND Provision
“We want a culture that is inclusive of everyone and where everyone who joins feels they have opportunities to succeed and grow”. – Nellie Borrero
Grasmere is a nursery that celebrates all children and their families. We always put children at the centre of everything we do and strive to work in partnership with all families, professionals and outside agencies.
We are a resourced nursery school offering 16 places for children who need significant extra support to access their learning and education.
We aim to reduce barriers to learning and offer equal opportunities for all.
We adapt to the needs of the children and deliver an individualised curriculum to ensure success within our enabling environment.
Some children will spend time in our Rainbow Room Provision with our dedicated SEN team. We offer small groups and tailored interventions whilst following individual plans designed specifically for each child. We welcome professionals and external agencies to work with us to reach the best possible outcomes for the children.
Barbara Tewe – SENDCo
Karen Copas – Assistant SENDCo
Jo Yang – SEND Class/Curriculum Lead
Elaine Flynn – SEND Qualified Early Years Worker