Chair (Co-opted Governor) | Mohammad Alramahi |
Vice Chair (Co-opted Governor) | Anna Doyle |
Co-opted Governor | Vacant |
Co-opted Governor | David Whalley |
Co-opted Governor | Vacancy |
Parent Governor | Atia Khan |
Parent Governor | Jesus Arenas |
Parent Governor | Neil McNickle |
Parent Governor | Vacant |
Headteacher | Barbara Tewe |
Staff Governor | Kim Buttle |
LEA Governor | Vacanct |
Clerk to Governors | Vijith Vijay |
Safeguarding Link Governor: Neil Mc Nickle
Health & Safety Link Governor: Mohammad Alramahi
Mentoring Link Governor: Mohammad Alramahi
Data Link Governor: Mohammad Alramahi
Safer Recruitment & Leadership and Management Link Governor: Mohammad Alramahi
SEND & Finance Link Governor: David Whalley
Pupil Premium Governor & Looked After Children Link Governor: Jesus Arenas
Quality of Education Link Governor: Anna Doyle
Pupil & Staff Wellbeing Link Governor: Atia Khan
Please find below the Attendance List of Meetings 2023–24
Please find below Governor Declaration of Pecuniary and Business Interests 2023–24
If you are interested in finding more about becoming a School Governor, please contact the school office.